2 definitions by Rap is fuckin stupid just like nascar

Miller Genuine Draft. My favorite beer hands down. It is one of the most prestigeous beers made in the USA and in the world for that matter.

When I get to the bottom of a Labatt Blue or a Coors, the last inch of the bottle is like drinking skunk juice. But when I finish off the last sip of an MGD, I taste but a sweet sweet necter.

Bartender: What will it be son.

Son: Well sir i'm a human being so anything less than a MGD would be inhumaine and a violation to my civil rights.
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Miller Genuine Draft. My favorite beer hands down. It is one of the most prestigeous beers made in the USA and in the world for that matter.

When I get to the bottom of a Labatt Blue or a Coors, the last inch of the bottle is like drinking skunk juice. But when I finish off the last sip of an MGD, I taste but a sweet sweet necter.

Bartender: What will it be son.

Son: Well sir i'm a human being so anything less than a Miller Genuine Draft should be served to my dog.
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