2 definitions by R&R AKA THA TRUTH

The act of reading a message sent to you on Facebook Messenger, whereby the little avatar of your face is dropped down from the previous message. It can be a pain in the ass to many a liar who say they didn’t check their messages.
Girl #1: “yeahhh he totes messaged me last night”
Girl#2: “really? What’d he say”
Girl#1 “I dunno. I want to mentally torture him so I’m just not gonna drop the face for a while. Make him squirm.”
by R&R AKA THA TRUTH August 10, 2018
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A baby born addicted to methadone, due to the ignorance of a whore bitch of a mother with complete disregard for her babys well being. Otherwise known as a methadone baby.
"Shelly had a done clone, apparently the bitch didnt stop sucking dick for methadone when she got pregnant"
by R&R AKA THA TRUTH February 13, 2010
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