1 definition by Phoenix Fighter

A gaming term, primarily used within GarrysMod. It occurs when a series of objects is welded together and one object moves out of place, this object will then frantically swing around until it manages to get back into its original place. The force that this object exerts is incalculable and will kill the player instantly. It also sets off nukes.

Outside of GarrysMod the term is used to describe when an object, usually a ragdoll(dead player or NPC) ends up partially within a wall or floor. The ragdoll will then swing around violently in order to try to escape the wall/floor.

A "crispy" kraken is when, after a kraken has killed you, your body turns into a charple(burned man.)

The kraken is known to appear in almost every game. Examples include: GMOD, Halo 1/2/3, Hitman: Blood Money, Deus Ex: Invisible War, Halo Wars, Toca Touring Car championship...and many more.
"Omg that thing you made is going kraken!"
"LOL that dead guy is krakening."
"OMFG that kraken is going towards the nuke!"
by Phoenix Fighter May 17, 2009
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