1 definition by Patriotisim is un-patriotic

As you can tell from many of the other entries on this site, Australia is home of the retarded bogan...

They who think verbal shit is patriotisim, being lazy and stupid is 'Australian' and are proud of the fact that we beat a handful of countries at a handful of sports.


Australia is a land of increasing bigots, ignorant slack-jawed morons with the world-awareness of a blowfly and a population in love with the idea of themselves - deluded by their own propaganda.

Australians are not cheerful, friendly people who like to have a beer after a hard day's work. They're lazy boozers with a superiority complex and a foul mouth.

*All definitions have exceptions. my apologies to the minority who are not as described above.

*Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy does NOT equal Aussie Aussie Aussie.

We stole it from some European sports fans.
Any Australian street from Dusk onwards.
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