1 definition by Not Yomas

Yomas is a male name most commonly used to for a hadsome, smart, attractive and most importantly big dick sized dude. Not alot of people over time have had the right to be called Yomas. However there is a legend that some awesome mofo located in the middle of Norway might be the last remaing Yomas.

If a Yomas happens to take a liking to a girl, it is known as a fact that he will get pussy that night.

Girls also tend get their pussies soaked whenever looking at a Yomas from below. If a girl were to look at him from above, the female would transcend to heaven and become a beautiful angel. The last claim is curretly being investigated by highly trained pornhub.com investigators to only be a myth, and it also makes so sense at all...

If Yomas says your waifu is thrash, its not just his opinion, IT IS FACT.
"Man i wish i was a Yomas" - Silver 5 Zac main.

"I could be called a Yomas if i had a big dick, was handsome, smart and attractive, and i would surely not need to play Yasuo in my next teammates promotion game." - Fucking retarded dude.

by Not Yomas July 20, 2017
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