1 definition by Navy SEAL in future

MEN who kick ass and take numbers later. They simply are the badest military group in the world. Delta Force and SAS simply do not compare. Delta is an ARMY branch, meaning they are not NAVY, and SAS is brittish, meaning they don't match up to AMERICAN levels. Navy SEALS are the best of the best. You cannnot get any more determined nor more motivated individuals than the SEALS. You may try, but you will fail a firefight, no lie
The Navy SEALS were called in to plant raders for the AIR FORCE to drop bombs in IRAQ. Note: the SEALS were their FIRST and everybody else came second. They ARE the best Special Force Operations in the world. Second to SAS? I dont think so. Navy SEALS go through the toughiest military training in the world. They make any SAS look like school boys. period. no questions asked. and if you do. try to complete BUD/s
by Navy SEAL in future April 10, 2009
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