3 definitions by Mr. Please Please Please

The Negro in works of fiction who tends to suffer the fate of death prior to any of his compatriots.

Alternate definitions do not exclude: Phat boi; Byatch.
"Yo, I just watched this one movie, and the najjif was, like, muh favorite character, brah."

"Shit, that blows, dawg."
by Mr. Please Please Please March 11, 2014
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1)An unholy fusion of a mutated fur-ball and Jabba the Hutt who is masquerading as a Neo-Nazi to spread chaos.

2)A drunken racist vagrant that somehow lives in the White House, and has control of Trump's mind
"Hey bro. Am I the only one who sees how much Steve Bannon resembles Jabba the Hutt?"

"Look, Bannon, next time you wanna talk to me, come see me yourself. Don't send one of these twerps."
by Mr. Please Please Please April 10, 2017
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