1 definition by Miike B

1. That which is cool awesome sweet amazing hot great tight nice rad wicked sexy good sick hip fun funny crazy dope pimp chill neat super fantastic radical badass excellent fresh gnarly phat smart wow fly bad kool the shit groovy kewl wurdd sick-nasty krazy.

May be used in conjunction with the word "mad".

Simply put, the sikkest word to use when describing something or someone.
Something krazy, outrageous or just a simple adjective.

2. Slang for a professional athlete or one who is highly skilled.
"Yo, did you see Jose's new truck?"
"Yea man, that thing is mad pro."

"Did you hear about when that kid double flipped off brainards bridge?"
"Yea that was so pro."

"Whoa check out that new chick, she's pro fo sho."

"Ricky Carmichael is a pro motocross racer."

by Miike B February 6, 2008
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