1 definition by Middle Skooler

The gates of Hell. No phones, No individuality, and No FUN! School is extremely easy to pass with straight A’s (and I’m kinda dumb).

Full of rich and spoiled kids who find middle school a great place to start their drug habits. Ask anyone who their plug is and they can name 10.

The environment sucks and is a great place if you want to get depression. If not STAY CLEAR! after graduating you will go onto “Crack Canyon” or if your parents are willing to drop enough money Valor or Regis.

The only thing going for these kids are their daddy’s trust funds.
“I heard that Rocky Heights Middle School sucks” “dude I know haven’t like 5 kids got arrested their in the past year?” “Probably wouldn’t suppress me tbh
by Middle Skooler March 23, 2018
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