2 definitions by Michaleangelo Ferinni

When one becomes motivated to exercise and stay in shape, all for a boy.
The new guy in class boytivated her to go to the gym daily.

Your new boyfriend is super hot, why aren't you boytivated enough?!
by Michaleangelo Ferinni March 15, 2010
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When one asks for some of your food, then takes an obnoxiously large bite out of it, similar to what a bite that a mother would take out of her children's food.
"Hey, can I have a little bit of that cinammon roll?"
*eats half the cinnamon roll in one bite*
"Awww, dude, you Mom-Bit it!"

"Hey, do you want some of my cookie? Don't Mom-Bite it though, my blood sugar is low."

Mother: I need to make sure that pizza isn't poisonous. *takes huge bit*
Child: MOM!
Mom: Shut up, I gave birth to you!
by Michaleangelo Ferinni April 2, 2010
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