1 definition by Mete808

J’mei is an out going person. Loves going on adventures. J’mei is the type of person that falls inlove fast but loves hard. She is very stubborn. She learns from her own mistakes. Trusts only a few people. Values the people who loves and cares about her. She’s the type of person to fight for what she loves and who she loves. She gives many chances. But once she had enough she’s done. She is known for her good looks and being a good friend. Although her looks can be deceiving she hides alot under it. She has been hurt many times by boys that didn’t deserve her but she is still going on with her life and loving as much people that needs it like she has never been hurt before. She is known as a baddie. She wins alot of guys hearts with her smile. However, she wants someone that’ll love her as much as she loves him. She’s the type of person that knows what she wants. And she’ll do anything to get it. She has high standards for when looking for a boyfriend because of her past relationships. She is understanding. She is the type of person to sit down and do nothing but talk to you about anything. She is a positive person to be by because she will make you happy when your upset.
Hey look its J’mei! I wonder what if she’s gonna say hi to me.
by Mete808 January 24, 2019
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