1 definition by Merc Shadow

1. faggle (feh-gull) - A species of smurf who delights in the ancient art of anal spleunking. Best known for their celebration of a festival known as the "Faggleton Jubilee", where salsa is eaten with corn chips out of the ass of the years elected Faggle Mayor.

2. faggler (feh-gull-er) - A person or animal who exclusively hunts the faggle for sport or food.

3. faggl-ing (feh-gull-ing) - Anyone or Anything that participates or practices the customs or ways of the faggle, but is not of the faggle species.
1. "My my that is an awfully small faggle, much smaller then that pink faggle over there"

2. "Is it true John? Your really a faggler?"

3. "Man I didn't know Martha was a faggling"
by Merc Shadow December 28, 2010
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