1 definition by Mcu man

A strong, respectful, confident soldier who will do anything to save your life.
He was born a skinny child, growing up he wanted to show the world he was more than he looks.
After being drafted as a soldier, it wasn't working out, so he took some magical steroids called the "Super Soldier Serum" Which enhanced his strength, speed, endurance, and lifespan, and got a cool new shield.
After he takes down a Nazi, who secretly had a identity on the whole time, he actually has a red skull.
The ship/Carrier he was in crashed. He was frozen for years, and when Director Nick Fury discovered him, he later joined a team of superheros, like him, and fought off "Avenger" level threats. After defeating a alien "Thanos" he returns very powerful weapons, known as the "Infinity stones" and since he never got the chance to spend the love of his life, he decided to time travel and re-live his life. He returns to the present timeline, and gives up his shield, to the one and only Falcon, becoming the next Captain America. - (MCU Captain America)
Captain America: Without that suit of armor, what are you?
Iron-Man: A Billionaire Playboy Genius, without those steroids, what are you bitch? A skinny ass kid who can't even beat up a citizen.
by Mcu man March 28, 2022
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