1 definition by Marina and her Fuckin IUD

A 'Wayne Rooney' is a term describing the 'Job next to God'.

In reality,'WR,' or 'W(anke)R', as he's known internationally, is actually the love child of Myra Hindley (2nd Jan 1938- Dead- 'LoL') and Mickey Rooney( Sep 23 1920- Still humpin!).

Earning £30000 a minute, this inbred 'Special Boy' is renowned for being the only sperm that got to Heaven. (ie Heaven as in Fabios Arse.)

His actual only 'claim to fame' is being an aged balding talentless little fuck that can't even recognise it's own reflection in a mirror, and having buggered David-PoshSpice & Fabio 'All a teh sem time!'(quote) when he should have been playing Football!

Other common analogies include:

A waste of space.

Fabio's Little Rent-Boy


Get back to Burger-King

W(anke)R! (wanker)

These are all terms to describe a 'Wayne-Rooney'.
England Fan 2010 #1: 'Oh Bugger I spent my life savings on coming to SA to see Wayne Rooney playin' the World Cup 2010, and it was Shite!'

England fan 2010 #2:'Sorry me good fella, but they had that Over-Paid Talentless Stupid Little Balding, Aged, Fat, C**tWayne Rooney playing,........ he was like Gazza on Mogodon! C**t!
by Marina and her Fuckin IUD June 20, 2010
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