1 definition by Madison Clocksworth

Keira’s are hardworking women that are very intelligent . She has long black hair that is pretty . She never gives up no matter how hard it is. She loves endlessy for her boyfriend and for her best friend . She has a very beautiful body that no one could ever have . She is very athletic, beautiful, crazy, and can be very shy . She acts very mature at school and at home acts crazy . It is very hard to find a Keira like this because they are so awesome . If you find one take very good care of her because thy are so rare . Also to whom ever has a bff named Keira you have the bestest friend in the world that you could ever meet love them okay!!
Boy: Hey You know that new girl Keira she’s cute.

Another guy : yeah she is cute you should ask her out before she goes away.

Boy: okay!!
by Madison Clocksworth March 31, 2018
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