1 definition by MBMoney ( my nigga name )

A question before giving my personal opinion..

# 60, what is your purpose in life... And who are you to judge others? You have no right.

Stoner - A person who really enjoys gettng high. To the extent that they( you and I )spends most of their income on the green. > Any one that claims that it is a waste of money is just jealous, I admit i spend most of my $ on weed, and paraphanilia ( is that right ? ). What do you asshole spend your money on? Brand new cars? Houses that are too big? Expensive clothes? Your Hobby, whatever it may be... Smoking is OUR hobby! those who look down upon US are just ignorant assholes who havent looked in the mirror lately and Dont Know who they are. You choose to do what u want, we choose to do what we want. Whens the last time u were being harrased by a stoner for spending Your money on some rediculouse material possestion. Never i bet. < And to continue on defining a "stoner"... A stoner is a relatively nice person, but just like any one else they do have their snapping point, yet rarely it occurs within the stoner population. A stoner just likes to enjoy everything, And have a good time. ... I could go on and on about how so many assholes contradict themsleves when putting down stoners, but i choose not to. Oh yeah, another point to back up the money issue with mary jane... Lets assume a non smoking person go to the store or any other place an purchases an item(s) with the value of 100$, initially intending it to be for perosnal use, would he (the person) be willing to split that item(s) with a stranger that kindly askes if he can use it, wahtever it may be. Most likey not. A stoner that just bought a bag of weed, initially intending it to be for personal use, that just got asked by a starnger to spark him/her up, would do so, out of the kindness of heart. No matter how valuable to bud was I'd smoke it with any stoner. Stoner, Not being just anyone that smokes. A stoner has a kind character, and would do the same for you. Ok yes i know this is mainly just about the money people spend on weed... uhmm... what else... ok i dont know... Just dont mistake a Stoner for a Person who just smokes: two differant species. If u dont know what a stoner is, and are still trying to find out, just wait.. you'll know when u make contact with one... Nicest people in the world... Thats all...
If you took your time to read every one of these 61 definitions of the word stoner, Your probably a stoner.
by MBMoney ( my nigga name ) August 5, 2006
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