1 definition by Lesgit Nekid

Mayday: A well-known celebration at Washington College in which hundreds of students gather in a drunken, naked, crowd around the schools flag pole(which is located on the campus green). No matter who you are or what you look like, plan to get naked, because a mayday without nudity is no mayday at all. Starting april 30th and lasting all night long until the students slowly start dispersing. The occasional townie will show up with a few disposable cameras but luckily Public Safety endorses the nude and kicks them off campus... just don't try to climb the flagpole naked, or you might end up in the hospital. The festivities end after the Salisbury v. WAC game the next day known as War on the Shore
"Holy freaking crap, i saw so many titties last night at mayday."

"Oh god, i could've definetly gone without seeing that guy naked on mayday"

"If i had a nickel for every set of genitalia i saw on mayday last night, i'd have a shitload of nickels!!"
by Lesgit Nekid February 28, 2006
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