2 definitions by LegionOfDaDoom

1. An incestuous act with patriotic overtones.

2. Sexually abusing a sex worker, and covering it up with hush money.
- Greg was trump bumping his cousin the whole time they were up there "storming the capital" on January 6th, 2022.

- Many royals of the past engaged in Trump bumping in an effort to preserve their royal bloodlines (for the good of the nation, of course.)
by LegionOfDaDoom March 2, 2023
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A person who abuses a position of authority at the expense of others. Most executives, politicians, fake gurus, etc.
- Some slick faggot tricked my grandma into donating thousands to a fake charity.

- That slick faggot doesn't believe a word coming out of his own fucking mouth.
by LegionOfDaDoom March 2, 2023
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