1 definition by Kori (Age 15)

No, Korn is NOT a "band for 13-15 year old gothic kids who smoke weed in their back yard."
1) Adults listen to Korn
2) Why do you have to label us as 'goths' just because we like the colour black. Labels are for soup cans, not for people
3) I don't smoke weed and I love korn so you can bugger off.

In terms of an actual definition, Korn started as a metal band in 1994 with their self titled album. personally, I don't like it as much as some of their other abums but it's apparently one of the best. Other albums include Follow the Leader, Life is Peachy, Untouchables, Issues and Take a Look in the Mirror. (Yhese might be in the wrong order and I'm sorry for that....) They are also releasing a greatest hits album and have now released See You On The Other Side which, in my opinion, is the best album yet. It is brilliant. They are kick ass live.
Described as Linkin Park, but heavier. This is only true in some sense.
Their style has been copied very often, but I still think that they're the only ones who can pull it off that well.
Are currently one band member short because he left to lead a full religious Christian life. It's a shame, that...
Boy: I'm going to a Korn concert. I'd invite you along, but I think that you won't like the screaming. Maybe you should stay up and do your nails or something.
Me: *raises eyebrows.* You don't have to invite me along. I bought my own tickets as soon as they were released.
Boy: You like them?
Me: Duh. In case you hand't notice, the sexist days of 'boys listen to metal and girls listen to britney spears' is well and truly over. Piss off.
by Kori (Age 15) October 26, 2005
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