1 definition by King Sanjay

The definition which you are momentarily about to read is unquestionably far superior to any others listed. As an accomplished contributor to urbandictionary.com, I feel it necessary to mention that I will be accepting job offers from Webster's and Oxford after my performance here. Speaking of which, it should come as no surprise when for some reason, say a year from now, you're perusing through the latest Webster's, and you happen to come across the word rekin.

So let me just get to it and be absolutely clear, crystal and concise. A rekin is an internet monkey who engages in monkey web activities like the monkey ass bitch that he is in order to have long overdue monkey sex with any arbitrary ugly ass monkies that his monkey ass comes across. If you doubt the monkey analogy or choose to accept the donkey/camel metaphor, then you clearly do not grasp what a rekin is and are as big a jackass as a rekin himself. Note that jackass in this case is being used to describe a limited caliber and is not being used as an animal reference, for a rekin is undoubtedly just a monkey. In sum, a rekin is a monkey with no balls to do his business in any other venue other than the cyber world.

You've never heard of a rekin because you don't surf the web. You've never witnessed some monkey ass do his sad flirting impression for some monkey sex.

by King Sanjay July 12, 2006
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