1 definition by Kayjumpfield <3

He's got the most loving and caring heart, He is truly selfless, and if you see Him know that you are looking at a gift from God. He has a strong backbone and will stand up for what he believes is right. He is incredibly selfless and will do anything for those he cares about. He will always be there for you and be strong when you feel weak. And of course he's got such a great sense of style, he is very HAWWT, but people appreciate him for his heart.He is loyal and not easily swayed by his emotions, he knows how to handle difficult circumstances and he doesn't react out of anger. If you know a Lesego, you're blessed homie. <3
"I want a best Friend, someone kind and funny and loyal"

"Bet. I'm gonna find a Lesego for you"
by Kayjumpfield <3 October 7, 2021
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