2 definitions by Kamui Takahashi

A violent and somewhat revolutionary act, whereby one takes a mason jar, a flammable liquid of some variety, a roll of duct tape, and, of course, a live, adorable, mewling kitten. You take the jar, fill it a depth of roughly half the cat's length, dangle the kitten head first into the jar (barely deep enough for it's snout to be submerged), securely tape the kitten's haunches/hindquarters into the mouth of the jar, light it's tail, and throw it at the offending party. Preferably, the elderly, for being slow... and smelly. And old.
I was sitting on my porch, and Old Man Jenkins hobbled by. Naturally, I was consumed with a ravenous, hellbound fury and an unquenchable thirst to take his life, via a good ol' Molotov Cattail. My life sentence starts Thursday.

Totally worth it.
by Kamui Takahashi November 8, 2009
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When a person gets on a toilet to defacate, only to be sat on top of by another person who defacates between his or her legs. There are three variations: standard, where both people face forward; the side-saddle, where the top person sits like a child on Santa Clause's lap; and the reverse, which allows the two people to make out with each other while defacating.
Jim: "So last night after my girl and I finished making love, I went to the bathroom to relieve myself, and she in her passion joined me in a dump and stack to further prove her love to me!"

Brandon: "Jim, what the FUCK..."
by Kamui Takahashi September 29, 2009
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