2 definitions by Jurikosexual/gender/religeon

Jurikogender is when you either identify or are Jurikogender. Jurikogenders commonly use Jur/Iko pronouns.
Person - "Hey, what would your gender be?"
Jurikosexual - "I am Juriko, Jurikogender!" *
Person - "Great!, that's good you had found yourself!"
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Jurikoreligion is a religion where you believe Juriko as a god and worship him as a god.
Person - "You believe Juriko is a god right?"
Jurikoreligionist - "Yes, I do, Juriko is our god!"
Person - "Oh wow, should I join the jurikoreligion?"
Jurikoreligionist - "Yes! our religion is super good."
Person - "Alright, I will join the jurikoreligion."
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