2 definitions by Jim lahey69

The can opener is when the male proceeds to do her from behind and puts both thumbs in her butthole.
I was boning my girlfriend and decided to perform the can opener.

I still smell her ass on my thumbs now.
by Jim lahey69 October 13, 2020
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The shit moth starts it’s shitty life as a shit larva which grows into a shitapiller, and most commonly leads to a pandemic of shitapillers, you can try to exterminate them but in most cases you’ll fail, thus leaving you with shit moths.
Randy: “What are you doing Mr. Lahey?”

Mr.lahey: (Drunkenly) “Shit Moths Randy.”

Randy: “Shit moths?”

Mr. Lahey: (Drunkenly) “Shit Moths.”
by Jim lahey69 March 31, 2021
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