1 definition by Jersey Gurls

New Jersey is an awesome place to live, the best in the entire country. Not at ALL like it is on Jersey Shore. Hell, Jersey Shore isn't even filmed in New Jersey!
Fact: We say 'yo' and 'fuck' A LOT. Most people add 'yo' in every sentence. In fact, I find it weird when people don't.
Fact: We are fast drivers. People not from New Jersey think we're insane, crazy drivers but in Jersey, we all know that 60 mph REALLY means 80.
Fact: Practically everyone famous lived here at one point. (Think: Bruce Springsteen, David Tyree, Queen Latifah, Anne Hathaway)
Whitney Houston lived a block down from my dad when she was younger. Meryl Streep lived two blocks down from where we live now (she doesn't live there anymore, but still). Buzz Aldrin went to my middle school AND high school. Christina Ricci went to my high school. And Stephen Colbert and his family go to the same church as me.
New Jersey kicks ass. Deal with it.
New Jerseyan: Yo, let's go down the shore.
Other New Jerseyan: Fuck, yeah!
by Jersey Gurls February 16, 2012
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