3 definitions by IT Dude 2

The integral part of any system, network or hardware setup that can be blamed for errors, disconnections or authentication problems if you have no idea: A. How the system is configured B. How to fix it (or) C. it's 4:47pm on a Friday afternoon and ya really can't be arsed to do any more work... I mean what child ever says " I want to be a network engineer when I grow up"?
Fecked if I know what the problem is, i'm just a network engineer. I called Head office and they said "It's Yer Relay-Mate"
by IT Dude 2 January 31, 2023
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Someone, usually a member of senior management, who takes it upon themselves to impart detailed knowledge about various facets of SQL Server ( DB performance analysis, query costs, table optimisation and index creation) which all parties to the conversation know for certain that they have obtained from and are repeating the wisdom of, a proper SQL developer.
Robert spent rather too long on the call Cronk-Parroting the optimisations required to bring speed and inner peace to the users' lives.
by IT Dude 2 January 31, 2023
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Acroynm: Mother Thucking Unts

When certain nationalised healthcare providers set an arbitary value for their Message Transfer Unit and: A. Doesn't tell anyone. B. Denies all Knowledge and C. Delays a project by blaming Local Infrastructure.
Those Feckin MTUs are gonna get what's coming to them
by IT Dude 2 January 31, 2023
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