1 definition by I am Batwoman. Chyeah.

A town located in Oakland County. It is small, but mighty. It is also home to the prestigious Milford High School, home of the Mavericks. It is also inconveniently and stupidly located in the neighboring town Highland. It has students ranging from badass theater people to motherfucking Jocks. On the other side of town includes Central Park, where kids play on swings by day and innocent and stupid girls get raped and shot there by night. After school and on weekends, kids enjoy aimlessly walking downtown with no money and do absolutely nothing of value. That side of town is home to Muir Middle School, where 6th graders get more short and annoying by year, where 7th grade girls become sluts before your eyes, and where 8th graders become full of themselves and cause drama, then get laughed at the year after. It also contains Milford Cinema, where the voicemail is ridiculously and unecessarily long. During the summer, thousands of people gather for the annual Milford Memories festival, where adults can listen to crappy music and get drunk in the beer tent, and teenagers come to hang with people they barely talk to and get innapropriate Henna tattoos that they attempt to hide from their parents, until they blow their cover, get grounded, sneak out in the middle of the night, and go fornicate in the woods of Central Park.
by I am Batwoman. Chyeah. January 1, 2011
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