1 definition by Hunzo 4 life

Definition of a Hunzo: A Hunzo is the ultimate girlo! They wear their hair up in a bun, they dress to impress and they talk like their the shiz!! It's hard for a guy to become a Hunzo but when they're seen to be fierce, confident and ultimately gorgeous they've all the qualities to become a Hunzo! Hunzos Walk with a distinct strut a kick in their step! They're flawless dancers and have the voice of an angel! The world is a better place with Hunzo's!
A Hunzo wears trackies they get their make up and hair done regularly and are feared by many! They've got an attitude and nobody messes with them! They've got swag and are proud of their Hunzo look!!!
by Hunzo 4 life February 19, 2015
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