8 definitions by HB <3 SA

1. A device or structure purposed to control the flow or passage of any of the three states of matter: solid, liquid or gas. Such structures may be found in plumbing, as well as in the human body (specifically, the heart).

2. A company in the game development industry that designed and continues to build upon the Half-Life series. Also, the brains (or lack thereof) behind the infamous "Steam" client, content-delivery platform.
1. Some geniuses find it fun to open the valve on a helium tank, place their mouths over it, and begin hyperventilating.

2. There comes a point in one's life where one must ask life's greatest question: Does Valve's magnificent work with Half-Life outweigh the frustration and uselessness that Steam's impropriety brings? The world may never know.
by HB <3 SA April 24, 2006
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