1 definition by Go Bears

The first and best school in the Universtiy of California system. Located in Berkeley, CA, Cal is one of the most diverse and exciting campuses in the world. Cal offers a world class education at a great price. It is regarded as the top public university and is home to busuiness and engineering schools that are usually ranked in the top 3 overall and often #1 worldwide. A terrific place for anyone looking for a great education, world class professors, interesting people, and great sports teams (GO BEARS).
Admissions: very selective
Overall- 25% admitted
School of Engineering- 8-10% admitted
1) Hey! That guy has a really distorted and biased view of UC-Berkeley!
2) UC-Berkeley is one of the world's best schools.
3) UC-Berkeley is underrated on USNews's rankings. (Endowment per student is taken into consideration, so public schools are at an inherent disadvantage)
4) UC-Berkeley rules.
by Go Bears April 18, 2005
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