44 definitions by Giving up.I will never do!i ❤️u

I like the positive influence spin better:)

Not completely random meaning: I was asking the questions based on trying to answer a question… who are you? I think I figured it out. Sorry, for the roller coaster ride…

I am usually not sad, but I am.

Remember when I got sad because posts were deleted. I was positive it was him.

There were posts there is no way it could not have been. Then the numbers… the eyes. The moments… but now there are posts I don’t understand that make my head spin… do I just not understand them because I don’t understand them or is it I wasn’t meant to understand them…

Could I have been wrong all this time? My heart says no way!!! My head remembers what are you talking about, accessories, pictures… the delete…

Now the numbers no longer move…
Which makes me even more blue…
Tomorrow was going to be another olive juice debut…
A smile I don’t think I can do…
Regardless if my head or heart is right…
It doesn’t change my love for him
That is what I need to remember…
And of course to always believe…

I know him I will always see …
At night in my dreams
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Countdown to what?
Leap year?
Look who is being evasive
I should be a part of this…
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If we can believe for years a fat, jolly guy rides reindeer, jumps down our chimney with presents and flies through the sky chanting HO HO HO….
My dream doesn’t seem that unrealistic…
I wonder if Santa eats HO HO’s:)
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A lot of this is mind blowing… experiencing this love for him definitely is the top, but then so many people all feeling similar things. Yeah… I am back on that again:)

I thought the drawbridge was a cute analogy… just came to me. I know my kind is nuts… 🐿️ face :)

My mind scrambling is when I am too tired to think or put complete thoughts together… or exercise my mute button. For instance, I was behind a gentleman at the checkout and he was buying cheese a few days ago. I looked at him and asked him he was feeling cheesy:) probably should have kept quiet:)
What are these romantic things you plan? I think some of the simplest things are romantic… going in a picnic to watch the sunset is one… shockingly, I have never done it.

Of course, I have plans… I am the master of ideas:) I would say I have a solid three:) maybe even four lol…
I need to see his eyes!!! One way or another I will…

Even if I have to dress up as a dancing olive:)
Hope all is great with you!!!
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The seasons change…
The love for he…
Will alway remain…
As she knows it is meant to be…

The leaves may fall to the ground…
Her thoughts may somedays go round and round…
But her endless love for he…
Is what she dreams he will see…

Another wish she will make a go…
All her love to him..
She wishes she could show…
Does he really know…
How she loves him so…
She does love him
More than everything!!!!
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What was unexpected?
Struggling to read things? On here? In your her situation?

Backfired twice… one was email… the other?

I can understand not wanting a third strike (not bowling analogy this time) but what if (I know I still don’t like the what if game but…) now is just not the time… and you have to wait five months etc… would you do it?

The love you have isn’t going anywhere… we can dwell on what we don’t have… or have faith God has it figured out… and all we need to do is…….

I know sounds crazy…
But as much as we can try to control our hearts, we both know we can’t. So, two options are left 1) know you love someone with all your heart and live your days with love 2) feel miserable you aren’t with her and your days are filled with gloom.
There are no guarantees either one of us will have our one day, but there are no guarantees we won’t either:)

I know if I stop believing, my dream will never be…
That is a risk I am not willing to take!
Oops… I think another tangent I went on… you appeared you needed it!!
If you are going to be blue
You know what you have to do…
Sing a chorus or two…
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This heart is filled…
With love for you!!!
All the things I wish…
I could say and do…

How about I say a few…
The sunset nights…
It is not what I want to do…

It is just being with YOU!!
That I want to do!!!!
Obvious I can be…
A smile and a wave for you to see…
Being in close proximity…

Seeing your eyes…
And that smile…
They both make me melt…
All the touches to be felt…

Surprises I can do…
To show you always…
My love for you!!!
This is what I look forward to:)
I guess I am not done…
I can’t forget about those arms…
Oh… the dreams I have had …
Some were quite fun…

And with that…
One last thing…
I love YOU!!!
Always … my everything ❤️❤️❤️
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