1 definition by Gardner, Dakoda Gardner

A small town in "Upstate, The Real New York".

The place where all the badass people from Albany, Schenectady, and Rotterdam choose to live.

Benefits of Rotterdam Junction can be and are not limited to:

*All night woods parties.
*No police for miles around.
*A QuikStop, Stewarts, and Anthony's Resturant.
*No motherfuckin hippies.
*Everyone is a Broski.

Bad things about Rotterdam Junction:
*We party way to hard for you, and this might cause a huge drop in your ego.
*We ride dirtbikes, BMX, and your girlfriend better than you ever could.
*This is the place dreams are made, and most can't handle it.
Broski "Dude, we need to party tonight."
Junction Kid "Well, I do live in Rotterdam Junction, party central for upstate New York."
Broski "Fuck yes! I'll get some drinks and meet you at Woestina."
Junction Kid "For the win."
by Gardner, Dakoda Gardner March 11, 2011
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