10 definitions by Friendly Neighborhood Nigga

Toshiko is a bitch ass nigga thats into some kinky shit! That nigga loves it when people step on him and whip him....
Damn Toshiko u kinkier than lily!
by Friendly Neighborhood Nigga February 19, 2017
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A sex god usually has the name of Kian, Finn, Mark, Or John. they can usually have a dick size of around 15 inches and are very very very very good in bed.
by Friendly Neighborhood Nigga February 20, 2017
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The Sex Gods are magical beings.They all have a majesticly long dick of 50 inches, which can extend to 1,000. with one mighty cock slap he can overcum anything he touches, and is immune to STDS. There are currently 4 existing sex gods, with the names, Kian, Finn, Fernando, and John.
by Friendly Neighborhood Nigga February 22, 2017
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