1 definition by Finally RHS bashing RH

An awesome place to live. Unfortunately loaded with tourists but I guess that just means that Rhinebeck is a lot nicer place to stay than Red Hook. Rhinebeck is classy and not filled w/ a bunch of scumbags like Red Hook. Yeah, we might be rich and preppy, but it's not like we're denying that. If anything that's a good thing. So RH needs to stop bashing us cause they're jealous and wish they were like us. And who cares if you have a better sports team, NOT US! Everytime you bash us you fail to mention how much more talented we are then RH in music and arts. Something that would get us farther in life than sports. Considering the majority of you that play sports are just going to end up being FAT-couch-potatoes WATCHING sports instead of playing them in the future. So you tell me who's school is better? RHINEBECK!!!!
"Rhinebeck Rocks!!!"

"Let's see who wins in a music competition or art show!!! Instead of stupid sports. Where everyone there is on steriods! Believe me I could name a few people in Red Hook that are on steriods.""
by Finally RHS bashing RH July 11, 2008
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