1 definition by Fatt N. Ugly

A black American world champion speed skater of African descent that has been judged more on his racial and ethnic background than his versatile expertise and abilities in both long track and short track speed skating. In most countries outside of the United States of America where speed skating is considered a popular sport, he is considered a world champion, and saluted for his world record holdings. However, in the U.S., he is constantly being poorly portrayed by the media as a disgrace to America for "preventing other American olympic athletes from bringing home gold medals."
American Media: "Shani Davis has refused to do the Pursuit event out of his own selfish nature."

Dutch Media: "Shani Davis has strategically turned down his offer to participate in the Pursuit event to keep his body strong and fresh for the events he has prepared himself for."
by Fatt N. Ugly March 23, 2009
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