2 definitions by Emma and the 1000 Paper cranes

"oMGiSoOoOOOo lUv "dOn'TChA" bY tHa pUsSSsYCaTDolLLZ !!11~!1!

Ew. Fag. *Sprays Fag-be-gone* The pussycat dolls suck.
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The Scientficially Excepted measurement of camwhore-ness and "oMgLyKiMsOoOoOOoHaWt!~!~~~"-ness.

A Place where ~ is overused. So overused that the United Nations has seeked to put a ban on the use of ~ across the world. "It's An Epidemic, Something must be done!"
Myspace Whore: "oMgLyKiHaVEa MySPAce! PlzpLzpLzzzzzGoCmmT"
Human: Ew. Myspace. *runs*
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