1 definition by Egan Student

Ardis G. Egan Junior High School is a some rich-ass middle school for seventh and eighth graders in Los Altos, California, a rich-ass little town. It is part of the Los Altos School District. Most of Egan's five hundred students live in Los Altos and Los Altos Hills, and are pretty much all asian and white, with a couple blacks and mexicans. Egan is named for Ardis G. Egan, some dude who apparently founded the Los Altos School District. Egan's staff consists of a socially awkward 7th grade history teacher, a homosexual 7th grade science teacher, a kickass 7th grade math teacher who was in the army, an awkward 8th grade history teacher code named LORD HAGGIN who is often confused with the other Egan students as she looks like a 14 year old, an environmentally smug 8th grade science teacher, an 8th grade science teacher who is a flat out flaming douchebag, an 8th grade algebra teacher who will go apeshit over the smallest things, and a lesbian 7th grade PE teacher. This Junior High is as diverse as it gets.
Yeah i'm hella cool, I went to Egan Junior High! And I'm a Californian kid so I say hella!!
by Egan Student June 5, 2009
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