1 definition by Dirty Monk

(noun) A game in which the user kills himself after being immediately nexted by six attractive women in a row.

Often played within a group, where the first player to achieve the feat must pick up the communal gun and blow his brains out.

Etymology: While the exact origin is unknown, its presence is attributed to the ubiquitousness of ugliness, self-loathing, high-speed internet connections, and Deerhunter on DVD.
<Enter 22-year old Norwegian girl with short ruddy-blonde hair, piercing eyes, and mysterious smile>

User: whoa....hi.

<girl's eyes linger for but a moment before her screen immediately cuts to black>

User: Fuck my life.

<User picks up his trademarked Russian Chatroulette revolver and puts a stop to the neverending dejection>
by Dirty Monk March 5, 2010
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