1 definition by Dingalingaling SchoolBellRing

A man who’s logical and funny, witty and charming, with very unique sex appeal. Known to leave a strong impression on others, whether purposely intended or without meaning to. May have a strong sexual appetite at times and likes to please others. It is a often said that his grounded nature in realism is the source of his pessimism. Hates being lied to by people he trusts the most and will pretend like the person never existed once he fully decides to walk away from them. Believes in trusts, privacy and loyalty, all things he is willing to give back in return. Has a natural sense of fashion, and a knack for remembering what at times may seem to be meaningless details. A very strong sense of logic and can often extract a lot of accurate information from only a few clues. A natural psychoanalytic anthropologist who understands the fundamental nature of humans and their thinking processes. A nature lover and master of sarcasm and dark humor. A gentleman with women, children and the elderly, a natural scholar who never stops learning… but above all, he is a work in progress.
“My man Auris is really out here living good, eating good. Driving good, looking good, feeling good, because it’s all good on his side, and that’s wussup b… I’m trying to be as good as he is, myself.”
by Dingalingaling SchoolBellRing November 23, 2021
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