10 definitions by Crypstyn mcdougal

Straight up for sure.

Legit and absolutely

Without having to worry about anything weak or lame.

Dolphinately chillin
Wordzilla bro, same here

That’s a Wordzilla for sure! I feel it.

by Crypstyn mcdougal November 26, 2022
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A dumb dumb; one who spews nonsense, foolhardy info or just doesn’t plain old wrong ass shit. But additionally either detriments their own position, or sounds truly dumb in said announcement
Good god, look who’s really the dumbteeto. You!

Wow, you really are dumbteeto. No question. You’re comments are uproarious to the nature of your crummy beliefs
by Crypstyn mcdougal November 25, 2022
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A drunken kook who either spills your drink, or some sloshy Jacob who is the only one talking, yet everyone is talking shit on him
Yo, get that shpilgerts outta here!

My god! You’re such a shpilgerts
by Crypstyn mcdougal December 19, 2020
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