1 definition by Cringe Kid

The Olympians are a large group of assholes in the sky that force their kids to do dangerous shit for them. They are also the major Greek gods(Zeus-DramaQueen; Hera-Bitchlady; Poseidon-Seaking; Ares-ScumBag; Aphrodite-Bitch; Athena-StupidandWise; Hephaestus-UglyRepairMan; Deméter-CerealQueen; Dionysius-DrunkDude; Hermes-Stealer; Apollo-EgotisticalSunBoy; Artimis-ManHatingGoddess) Almost all of these are made by me.
Dam those idiot-sorry, The Olympians *says in a sassy voice* in the sky-Cringe Kid
by Cringe Kid December 16, 2018
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