1 definition by Chris Kaniel

An insanely popular Massive-Multiplayer Online RPG. Populated by over 7 million people, it has been dubbed a game that sucks away your soul because out of those 7 million, about 1000 of them are trolls on all freaking day without sleep or sustinence of any kind. While most complete idiots claim it causes weight gain, acne, and no social life, this isn't nessecarily true because

1. Many people are fat, and it's not because they play WoW. It's because they eat alot. Only complete renobs claim that WoW all day causes severe weight gain, because even when you do absolutely nothing, you burn calories by living and breathing. WoW only makes you fat if you constantly keep a bag of doritos by your desk and stuff your craw. Like a retard.

2.Acne is caused by adolescence and bad cleanliness. WoW has nothing to do with hormonal imbalances and not taking a shower.

3. WoW only takes away your social skills if you have the willpower of a particularly stupid puppy. If you play WoW and have no social skills, it's not because Warcraft is at fault. You might simply be a nerd, you might be shy, you might prefer to think before you speak unlike the rest of the earths population, or you might be an arse.
averageposteronthissite: omg!!!111! world of warcraft destroyed my life! i lost my girlfriend all my friends and my family thinks im a loser all cuz of wow!

me: No, you lost everything because you're a freaking loser. Blaming everything on a computer game is just a stupid excuse.
by Chris Kaniel January 23, 2007
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