2 definitions by Chris Jessie

Noun: a person that forces them self into awkward/compromising/vulnerable situations, and then is irritated when the flaws of their idiocy are revealed. This usually occurs when they allow some sort of knowledge about them self to become known to party 2. Party 2 is now in a compromising situation, for they can say nothing without being attacked in an unleashing of she-bitch rage.
Larry: That bitch be a mad faify today.
Doc: Thats the damn truth. But wait, she just told me how awful her day working with retarded children was. If i say anything negative now, I might get my cock gnawed off.
Larry: Wakka Wakka Wakka.
by Chris Jessie February 2, 2008
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Noun: a person that forces them self into awkward/compromising/vulnerable situations, and then is irritated when the flaws of their idiocy are revealed. This usually occurs when they allow some sort of knowledge about them self to become known to party 2. Party 2 is now in a compromising situation, for he can say nothing without being attack by an unleashing of she-bitch rage. Obviously the majority of such individuals are females.
Larry: The bitch be a mad faify it up today.
Doc: Thats the damn truth. But wait, she just told me how awful her day was, if i say anything negative now, i might get my cock gnawed off.
Larry: Wakka Wakka Wakka.
by Chris Jessie February 2, 2008
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