1 definition by Chimp's Fingers

An ingenious hairstyle for the folically challenged, whereby the gentleman (or lady) in question grows a large quantity of hair from the side of his (or her) head and, upon achieving the necessary length, scrapes said hair across his (or her) shiny bald centre-pate. This creates, at first glance, the illusion of a full crown of hair. This look is more commonly termed a 'comb-over'.

Origin: Sweden

Etymology - Robin Hood steals from the rich and gives to the poor -- thus you 'take' from the rich, plentiful locks that sprout from the lower scalp and 'donate' to the impoverished central scalp.
Jarod: Brian, I have to say that wig looks great on you!

Brian: Its not a wig, I went for a Robin Hood.

Jarod: That's great. You look amazing plus you probably saved upwards of 70 pounds by not forking out on one of those ridiculously expensive wigs you see nowadays
by Chimp's Fingers May 25, 2010
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