1 definition by CEO of Fascism Inc.

A made up term by an old femcel named Peggy McIntosh. The term has arbitray criteria for which white people have unforeseen advantages as evidenced by nothing but cherry picked circumstances. It is essentially a new wave of bigotry disguised as anti-bigotry.
"See this Huffpost article? We have two different court cases from different states, involving different people, different laws, with different outcomes. The white criminal got less time than the black criminal! This is evidence of white privilege."

"Yes, but it appears there is more to these cases than the clickbait article. The black criminal has been a repeat offender and resisted. The white criminal made his first offence, entered a guilty plea, and turned himself in...."

"Stop mansplaining me. I am literally shaking right now"
by CEO of Fascism Inc. January 12, 2021
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