1 definition by Blackadder roxs!!!! XD

The funnest thing that Rowan Atkinson has ever been in.
An English comedy starring Rowan Atkinson, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Miranda Richardson, Patsy Byrne, Tony Robinson and a lot of other awesome British actors.
Truly hilarious.
Written by Richard Curtis and Ben Elton.
The best series is generally considered to be Blackadder II.
Blackadder II. Episode: Bells.
Queen Elizabeth I:Bob?thats an odd name for a girl.Girls should be called Elizabeth....Or Mary.
Nursie: Or Basil.
QEI: Mouth is open Nursie, should be shut.
Nursie: I had three sisters and they were called Donald, Eric and Basil.
QEI: Why are you Nusie then?
Nursie:That ain't my real name.
QEI: What is it?
Nursie: Bernard.
QEI:Suits you actually.
by Blackadder roxs!!!! XD October 30, 2005
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