1 definition by Black Cat Bone

One of histories greatest strategic blunders. Currently in progress, you can actually watch stupid in the making. To defeat "terrorism" is it wise to occupy a country, kill their children and give them nothing to lose. Iraq is now a breeding ground for terrorists.
Original reason for going to war
-Weapons of mass destruction

when that fell through
-Saddams affiliation with osama

when that too was proved to be false
(or)their back up plans, back up plans
-We had to overthrow the dictator and "install" a democratic system

when a democracy proved to be highly unlikely to work
-put on your best "oops" grin, and say "nothings perfect look at our own last election!" (Way to go rummy)

Aside from the civilian casualties, the worst thing about this war is that bush is too fucking stubborn to admit he was wrong. Stubborn because he has the support of so many war-mongering shit for brains conservatives blindly following him.
Opposing a war has nothing to do with cowardice, as dropping a bomb has nothing to do with bravery. Brave is being able to sit for five minutes and think about the lives this war has ruined without trying to rationalize it in any way. The men at thermopylae were brave, the Iraqi civilians trying to carry on their lives are brave. Ill informed pro-war morons living across an ocean, blindly grabbing the tail of the blind rat infront of them, need to reach out and grab reality because war isn't "ya hoo" it's "oh no"!
by Black Cat Bone October 15, 2004
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