1 definition by BBCs

i) A mythological creature, that looks like a horse, but they have a helical horn, also referred to as an alicorn, at the center of their head. They are considered fabulous creatures that poop out rainbows and give birth to pretty butterflies.

Their relatives include:

- Horses

- White Rhinoceroses

- Narwhals (this relation, however is extremely distant).

ii) The word that combines the two words "uni" (which means one in Latin) and "corn" (and edible plant that tastes so damn good).

iii) A virgin, because virgins these days are just as rare as unicorns.

ii) Me: “Hey, Mom, can have a unicorn?”

Mom: “What?! Unicorns aren’t real!”

Me: “No Mom, I want one corn! Unicorn! GIVE ME CORN!”

iii) “That h** has been with so many guys, she’s far from being a unicorn!”
by BBCs June 3, 2014
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