3 definitions by Anonymous****

purple lips

Hickey on the lips, what you get when you make out with nick marfing from parade the day.
woah you have really bad purple lips
yea i went to a parade the day show last night... saw nick
by Anonymous**** June 14, 2008
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purple lips

Hickey on the lips, what you get when you make out with nick marfing from parade the day.
woah you have really bad purple lips
yea i went to a parade the day show last night... saw nick
by Anonymous**** June 15, 2008
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A excessive amount of lol'ing usually used to refer that something is funny.
Doctor: "Your aid testing is back, were sorry to say it's positive." Person: "That dumb whore lied to me!" Friend:"Loooool!"
by Anonymous**** February 5, 2012
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