1 definition by Aj is cool

when you are so bored you alredy typed §1234567890+wertyuiopasdfghjkl<zxcvbnm,.- and -.,mnbvcxz<lkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq0987654321§ and many other, so you tried it with alt gr.
-Im so bored! And Ive alredy typed everything! I know I can just press alt gr!
*types ¶¡@£$€¥{}\±@ł€®þ←↓→œþªßðđŋħł|«»©“”nµ*
by Aj is cool November 8, 2020
Get the ¶¡@£$€¥{[]}\±@ł€®þ←↓→œþªßðđŋħł|«»©“”nµ mug.